Friday, October 9, 2009

Tito Ortiz's return fight at UFC 106

Tito Ortiz vs Forrest Griffin 2 at UFC 106!

Originally scheduled to square off against Mark "the hammer" Coleman at UFC 106, Tito Ortiz is now going to be fighting Forrest Griffin.
They fought once before in a controversal three round war, where Tito ended up with a questionable decision victory. Many of fans felt that Forrest won that fight, and now, Forrest is presented with an oppurtunity to show Tito he is for real and get the win that many felt he deserved in their first meeting.
Tito came into the last fight with an injured knee, potentially causing the lack of domination in the fight. He was unable to commit to his takedowns the way he is notorious for, and that led to a good portion of the last 2 rounds to be a stand up fight. Tito is going to be a hundred percent when he enters the UFC octogan this time, and going to be more determined than ever to score a win in the UFC. He has to make a good showing in his return fight, he also has to prove he can still be relevant in the sport. To do that, he has to beat Forrest, not in a close decision, but actually beat Forrest. The motivation that Tito has coming into this fight, along with being injury free, will make him a handfull for Griffin.
On the other hand, Forrest has been fighting, and Tito has not. It has been more than a year since Tito last stepped foot into the octagon, and in that time, Forrest has fought Quinton "Rampage" Jackson, Rashaad Evans, and Anderson "the spider" Silva. Griffin will have absolutely no amount of ring rust given the competition he has been fighting against the last year and a half, along with holding the title, and Tito undoubtedly will have a little ring rust. Also Forrest's last 2 fights have been losses, giving him even more reason to excell in this fight. He will also be looking to show Tito, and the fans that he is capable of winning, and that he belongs at the top of the UFC Lightheavyweight ladder.
A loss can potentially cost Forrest his carreer in the UFC. Nobody can lose three straight fights and still be considered a contender. A loss for Tito can be equally detrimental to his carreer, causing him to get off on the wrong foot for his return.
This fight will break down pretty simply, Tito will be trying to force Forrest to the ground, and pound him out, while Forrest will look to keep Tito standing up, and attempt to KO or TKO The Huntington Beach Bad Boy. Tito is not an easy person to slow down. He has some of the best if not the best, conditioning in all of MMA, and potentially is the best takedown artist in all of MMA. His Ground and Pound is unstoppable, and is the best the UFC has ever seen. His boxing is sharp as well, if he happens to not be able to get Forrest down. If Tito gets Forrest down, he can and will keep him there and grind him, and pound him, til Forrest taps or goes to sleep. Forrest has to keep this fight standing if he is to win it, that is all there is to it. Although Forrest has a decent ground game, it is no where near the level that Tito's is.
Forrest on the other hand has an advantage in the standup, giving him a chance in this fight. If he can frustrate Tito by stuffing his takedown attmepts, and keep drilling Tito with hard punches, he just may be able to get a TKO victory. A KO is unlikely, Tito can take a punch very well, but he also tends to start to buckle under powerfull flurries. That is what Forrest will have to do to win. Also Griffin has to be sure not to get tired, because Tito's condidtioning is top level, and if Griffin gets tired, Tito will pressure him and break him, because Tito will not be getting tired, that I can promise you.
Either way, this is a fight that every fan needs to see. It is bigger than the main event that night, Brock Lesnar vs Shane Carwin. Do not miss this fight, it has fight of the year written all over it.