Sunday, August 9, 2009

UFC 101 event results

UFC 101 Results

BJ Penn vs Kenny Florian- Penn, 4th rd. submission choke.
Anderson Silva vs Forrest Griffin- Silva, 1st rd. KO.
Amir Sodallah vs Johnny Hendricks- Hendricks, 1st rd TKO
Kendall Grove vs Ricardo Almeida- Almeida, Unanimous decision
Josh Neer vs Kurt Pelligrino- Pelligrino, Unanimous decision
Shane Nelson vs Aaron Riley- Riley, Unanimous decision
Tamdan McCrory vs John Howard- Howard, Split decision
Alessio Sakara vs Thales Leites- Sakara, Split decision
Matthew Riddle vs Dan Cramer- Riddle , Unanimous decision
George Roop vs George Sotiropoulos- Sotiropoulos, 2nd rd armbar submission
Jesse Lennox vs Danillio Villefort- Lennox, 3rd rd TKO

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The exciting UFC

so, i have sat and pondered the many subjects i could discuss on this blog. I came to the conclusion there is just so much! So here is what i am gonna do, I'm going to go over some of the fights I am personally excited about. OK, here we go.... oh yea, and there's alot of them.

BJ Penn vs Kenny Florian-
stylistically, this is a dream fight. lots of technique should be displayed in this bout. Penn's boxing, Florian's Muai- Tai, both great on the ground, I mean, this is gonna be exciting. both fighters are beautiful technicians, who drift from technique to technique almost flawlessly. here's the thing, Penn's mainstay is his Jiu-Jitsu, wich he depends on his legs for. sorry Penn, but Florian's gonna be kickin the hell outta your legs, their gonna be weak. so don't plan on catching him in a submission. Oh yea, and um.... Florian doesn't gas out like Penn does, so i see Florian pickin Penn apart and wearing him down, then finishing him late into the fight, or getting a decision win.

Anderson Silva vs Forrest Griffin-
uh oh! Forrest, what have you done to make the UFC so mad at you. How do you find yourself in the hardest fights? Rampage, Ortiz, Shogun, Jardine, Evans, I mean, one would get the idea that maybe the UFC wants to see you lose! However, i don't think Forrest will lose this one. Forrest is a freak, and Anderson has not had somebody bring a fight to him the way Forrest will. Anderson will be able to find shots, no doubt about it, but he can't finish Forrest, no way. Forrest is gonna break Silva down by just bulldogging him the entire fight. look for Forrest to win by Split decision.

Randy Couture vs Rodrigo Nogueria-
this is insane! two experienced veterans with an overwhelming amount of skill. these are two of the top five best MMA heavyweights period! But Randy's going to win. he will stay in Nogueria's face and grind him, ground and pound, frustrate him, and keep him off balance. expect a war, but also expect to see Randy's hand raised after three rounds of action. oh yea, and expect Randy to retire after this fight too.

Nate Marquardt vs Damian Maia-
what a battle! Maia has the best submissions in MMA hands down. He is so slick and accurate with his jiu-jitsu, it's amazing. and Marquardt is an animal. his stand up looks like something out of the movies. his ground game is great. he is the perfect example of a mixed martial artist. wich is why he will win this fight. yea, another decision win, because i don't think he can quite finish Maia, but he will stay ahead, and will be fighting Anderson Silva for the Middleweight belt soon.

Brandon Vera vs Kryzstof Sozynski-
okay, these two fighters are on opposite sides of the spectrum. they fight completely different. both are fearless though, wich is what is gonna make this fight so damn good. they will fight eachother tooth and nail and neither will back down. my thoughts though, Vera will find a way to submit Sosynski. Sozynski's got good stand up, but Vera's stand up is too sharp. at some point Sosynski is gonna get frustrated, take Vera down, and get himself submitted.

Nate Diaz vs Melvin Guillard-
well, I would love to see Guillard beat Nate up, send him home, and make Nate realize he don't belong in the UFC, but, Guillard is too aggressive, he's going to find himself wrapped up in one of Diaz's slick submissions, probably a triangle choke. so, even though, someone really soon is gonna send Diaz home, it won't be Guillard. bummer!

Gray Maynard vs Roger Huerta-
again, two fearless fighters. Huerta is the better stand up fighter, unquestionably, way better. too bad Maynard's gonna take him down and pound his way to victory though huh. Huerta will not be able to defend Maynard's relentless takedowns, nobody can. and once down there, Huerta is gonna be in big trouble. Maynard is crawling toward the top and Huerta is in his way.

Carlos Conditt vs Chris Lytle-
okay Conditt, your a tough dude, i know, but this isn't the WEC man, it's the UFC. and welcome to it! Lytle is a tough dude, and will make a fight of it every time, but a pissed off Conditt coming off a debut loss is not a good thing. he's going to swing for the fences here. he will drop Lytle. and if Lytle gets desperate and shoots for a takedown, Condit will manhandle Lytle there too. don't get me wrong, this is gonna be a war, probably be fight of the night, but when the dust settles, Conditt will be standing with his hand raised.

Steve Cantwell vs Brian Stann-
Yay! the rubber match! now Cantwell gets to prove he is better than Stann once and for all. No doubt they will stand and trade, and thats always fun to watch. but Cantwell is too good at standing and trading, and will win this fight via knockout!

Rich Franklin vs Vitor Belfort-
i know i know, Belfort is looking to resurrect his career. but is this the way he should do it? come back and fight Franklin? right now Franklin is on a tear! he has recent wins against guys like Dan Henderson, and and Wanderli Silva! are you sure this is what you want Belfort?
Belfort has been out of the octagon too long, and likely is not ready for Franklin. Belfort is getting up there in age, and has been gone for quite a while now. Franklin is in his prime, and is more focused now than he has ever been. this will be a quick night, probably ending in the second round with a knockout, Franklin raising his hands and Belfort trying to figure out where the heck he is and where the truck than ran him over went.

well there you have it, a break down of some of the better fights coming to you thanks to the crazy UFC. at the end of 2009 UFC will be raking in the cash, and will be a prime time sport. It is going to draw a ton of fan fare this year, with great fights such as these, and the new season of Ultimate fighter, wich will be the best season yet, guarenteed. oh yea, what a crazy year for the UFC.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Tito Ortiz returns to UFC

UFC president Dana White has announced the return of Tito Ortiz. The tow have apparently put aside their differences and come to an agreement, bringin The Huntington Beach Bad Boy back on the big stage, in either November or December!
Tito seemed to be on a downhill slide when he left the UFC, but giving the calliber of his last opponent, Machida, and the state of mind Tito was in at the time, knowing that was his last fight, you can't hardly blame him. Not to mention, Machida has went on to become champ since then.
However, can Tito still remain relevant in the UFC lightheavyweight division?
I'm not convinced he can.
There is talk of Ortiz taking on Mark "the hammer" Coleman, wich no doubt would be a great fight, but given Coleman's age, really could just be a guarenteed return win for Tito. After that fight where does Tito go? He has said he won't fight Rampage because of their friendship, he has already lost to the current champ and the former champ, I mean, really, won't this put Tito in a position to be an undercard fighter still? And isn't that what Tito wanted to avoid? Maybe Tito will step up to fight Rampage to climb the latter, but then what, Machida and Evans aren't going nowhere, and they have already beaten Ortiz. so still, Ortiz's career seems to be playing gate keeper for the champions and a sterdy test for TUF (the ultimate fighter) fighters.
I wish him the best of luck, and am excited to see him in the octagon again, but as one of the biggest names in Mixed Martial Arts, this is not how you fulfill your legacy.

WEC fight card for August Ninth

On August ninth, the seemingly unstoppable Miguel Torres will again defend his title, this time against a fighter yet to face defeat, Brian Bowles. This fight along with a few other great fights is going to make this event one you won't want to miss! Tune into VS August 9th and check it out. in case your not too sure of the fight card, here it is, along with my predictions.

Miguel Torres vs Brian Bowles-
prediction: Torres

Joseph Benavidaz vs Dominick Cruz-
prediction: Cruz

Danny Castillo vs Ricardo Lamas
prediction: Lamas

Jeff Curan vs Takeya Mizugaki-
prediction: Curran

Leonard Garcia vs Jameel Massouh
prediction: Garcia

Marcus Hicks vs Shane Roller
prediction: Hicks

Phil Cardella vs Ed Ratcliff
precition Ratcliff

these fights along with a few other undercard fights guarentees a great night of action!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

UFC 101 fight card

UFC 101 is going to be an exciting event, hands down. it features the lightweight title match that in my eyes will determine who really is the number one light weight fighter in the world. It also features the crazy matchup of Anderson Silva against Forrest Griffin. Try not to miss this PPV. here are my predictions and why.

Kenny Florian vs BJ Penn - BJ has decent boxing skills and a ground game that is top notch. Florian however is too crafty on the feet to get hurt by Penn, and on the ground is smart enough to avoid Penn's submissions. this is gonna break penn down after a few rounds and Florian will run away with it.
prediction: Florian

Anderson Silva vs Forrest Griffin- no doubt, Silva is the best technician in the world. his skill set is second to none. here's the problem, you can't train for Griffin. no technique can help you, you have to outfight him. Silva can't do that,
prediction : Griffin

Amir Sodolah vs Johnny Hendricks- Amir impresses again and goes up another step in the UFC
prediction: Sodolah

Kendall Grove vs Ricardo Almeida- what a fight! this is gonna be a barn burner! however, Kendall Grove's long limbs are gonna get wrapped up sometime or another and Almeida gets a submission victory
prediction : Almeida

Josh Neer vs Kurt Pelligrino- this will be a dogfight, i promise. Pelligrino has no quit in him and will fight his butt off all night. but Neer is too much a veteran and is prepared to fight all night as well.
prediction : Neer

Thales Leites vs Alessio Sakara- Sakara's last fight in the UFC im afraid. Sakara simply is not cut out for the big stage, he sure as heck isn't ready to fight the guy who just fought the pound for pound best, Anderson Silva, lost, and is now lookin to get back in contention. DO NOT BE FOOLED, SAKARA CANNOT WIN THIS FIGHT!
prediction : Leites

there you have it, a few of the better fights coming up for UFC 101. this will be an excellent event, don't miss it.