Sunday, August 2, 2009

Tito Ortiz returns to UFC

UFC president Dana White has announced the return of Tito Ortiz. The tow have apparently put aside their differences and come to an agreement, bringin The Huntington Beach Bad Boy back on the big stage, in either November or December!
Tito seemed to be on a downhill slide when he left the UFC, but giving the calliber of his last opponent, Machida, and the state of mind Tito was in at the time, knowing that was his last fight, you can't hardly blame him. Not to mention, Machida has went on to become champ since then.
However, can Tito still remain relevant in the UFC lightheavyweight division?
I'm not convinced he can.
There is talk of Ortiz taking on Mark "the hammer" Coleman, wich no doubt would be a great fight, but given Coleman's age, really could just be a guarenteed return win for Tito. After that fight where does Tito go? He has said he won't fight Rampage because of their friendship, he has already lost to the current champ and the former champ, I mean, really, won't this put Tito in a position to be an undercard fighter still? And isn't that what Tito wanted to avoid? Maybe Tito will step up to fight Rampage to climb the latter, but then what, Machida and Evans aren't going nowhere, and they have already beaten Ortiz. so still, Ortiz's career seems to be playing gate keeper for the champions and a sterdy test for TUF (the ultimate fighter) fighters.
I wish him the best of luck, and am excited to see him in the octagon again, but as one of the biggest names in Mixed Martial Arts, this is not how you fulfill your legacy.

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